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I am happy to see that FSSAI has launched several initiatives from sophisticated to a basic level in the area of food testing with tremendous support from the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and various stakeholders. This is to ensure an efficient flow of samples from the field to the laboratory without compromising the sample integrity.CEO, FSSAI, Pawan Agarwal highlighted, "This is a landmark occasion far FSSAI as today we have commemorated the 13th-anniversary of FSS Act 2006. In order to encourage young professionals to choose food analysis as a career option, FSSAI has established a system of conducting the Junior Analyst Examination since 2017 with 250 qualified Junior Analysts available across the country today.  

The Authority has also streamlined the conduct of examinations to qualify Food Analysts increasing their number from 48 in 2014 to 360 currently. Other facilities include a cafeteria, day-care center, fitness center, conference hall, and training center. The new facility would also host visiting faculty and trainee officers during training and conferences.FSSAI has also launched China GMT Mould Food Safety on Wheels,a mobile food testing lab for testing, awareness, and training. These are being converted into short videos for mass dissemination. Shri Ashwini Kumar Choubey, Minister of State for Health and Familywelfare also participated in the function on this landmark occasion that was attended by over SOO partners and stakeholders from the scientific community, food businesses and corporates.  

The laboratory in Kolkata is also being upgraded. NFL- Delhi, NCR is one of the most advanced laboratories in the country and is at par with any other laboratory in advanced countries like the USA.FSSAI has also been harmonizing testing protocols for reliable and reproducible testing supported by the Scientific Panel and Method Review Group that have been set up."Founder, Arbro Pharmaceuticals, Dr Saurabh Arora highlighted “Together with FSSAI, We have built a world-class Laboratory with upgraded infrastructure which will be able to conduct international level of food testing which has been only possible with the support of CEO,FSSAI Dr.The Minister of State, Shri Ashwini Kumar Choubey, congratulating FSSAI in his keynote address noted,This Public-Private-Partnership in the food testing ecosystem will synergize the efficiency of the private sector and the regulatory control of the Government in an efficient manner. This advanced food-testing infrastructure will also help us fight any instances of food adulteration and will become more robust in the years to come”.  

This is the first of its kind in terms of regulatory provisioning to make real-time decisions on food safety issues. I have full confidence in the success of this partnership and hope to see more such collaborations for other laboratories in the success of this partnership and hope to see more such collaborations for other laboratories in the country. As a Public-Private Partner, we are responsible for upgrading the Laboratory, Installing New Equipments, Managing the National Food Laboratory for the next five years. This first-of-its-kind, innovative van will take food testing infrastructure to remote villages and far-flung areas, thus, instilling confidence among citizens.

Posté le 23/05/2022 à 09:17 par GMT Mould Manufacturers

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